Pharmacology Guide for 3rd Year MBBS


Pharmcology Guide By Dr. Yasir Habib


General Pharma:

Ø  Sources of drugs 

Ø  Active principles: alkaloids, glycosides

Ø  Difference between fixed and volatile oils

Ø  Drug administration: Oral route , Parenteral , IV, IM, Intradermal ,trans

Ø  Pharmacokinetics; absorption, distribution, plasma protein binding

Ø  Biotransformation ( all very important): mixed function oxidase

Ø  Enzyme induction & inhibition all v imp

Ø  Excretion

Ø  Bio availability

Ø  Half life

Ø  Mechanism of drug action

Ø  Affinity & intrinsic activity

Ø  Graded and Quantal dose response curve and what info they give v imp

Ø  Synergism

Ø  Antagonism  (important)

Ø  Tolerance

Ø  Anaphylaxis

Ø  Cumulation

Ø  Pharmacogenetics  (important)

Ø  Allergy , types & treatment

Ø  Hypersensitivity reactions

Ø  Adverse drug reactions

Ø  Drug dependence (features only)

Ø  Definition from bioassay

Ø  Drug interactions  (very important for MCQ’s) 

Mini Katzung: 

Ø  Definitions

Ø  Permeation

Ø  1st and zero order kinetics

Ø  Spare receptors

Ø  Therapeutic index and window

Ø  Signaling mechanisms

Ø  Up and down regulation of receptors

Ø  Volume of distribution

Ø  Clearance

Ø  Maintenance and loading dose

Ø  Orphan drug



Study following topics from Lippincott:

Ø  Volume of distribution (very important)

Ø  Bio availability

Ø  1st and zero order kinetics

Ø  p450 system

Ø  Elimination

Ø  Clearance

Ø  Kinetics of IV infusion

Ø  Steady state concentration

Ø  Dose-response relationships

Ø  Quantal dose relationships

Chemotherapy: (Katzung)

Very important section and most difficult to retain

 Beta lactams (Very important)

Ø  Classification

Ø  Mechanism of action

Ø  Classification cell wall synthesis inhibitors.

Ø  Penicillin’s. MOA and mechanism of resistance.

Ø  Ampicillin. Amoxicillin

Ø  Toxicity

Ø  Cephalosporin’s

Ø  Toxicity

Ø  Tazobactam

Ø  Vancomycin

Ø  Moa of protein synthesis inhibitors.

Ø  Chloramphenicol. (Moa+ Uses+ Toxicity- important)

Ø  Tetracyclines.

Ø  Antibacterial spectrum

Ø  Uses. Toxicity.

Ø  Macrolides.

Ø  Spectrum.

Ø  Erythromycin.

Ø  Toxicity.

Ø  Clindamycin.

Ø  Aminoglycosides v imp

Ø  Pharmacokimetics

Ø  Sulfonamides.  (Mechanism of action +Uses + Toxicity- very important)

Ø  Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole aka cotrimoxazole.

Ø  Fluoroquinolones

Ø  Antimycobacterial {1st line drugs}+{2nd line drugs} ( most important)

Ø  Isoniazid (Moa+ Toxicity)

Ø  Rifampin. (moa+ Toxicity)

Ø  Ethambutol. (Moa + Toxicity)

Ø  Pyrizinamide. (Moa + Toxicity)

Ø  Regimens (very important)

Ø  Dapsone


Anti fungal: (important)

Ø  Classification

Ø  Amphotericin. (Moa+  Use+ Toxicity)

Ø  Flucytosine. Moa.

Ø  Azoles. (Moa+ Uses+ toxicity).

Ø  Griseofulvin.

Ø  Terbinafine important

Ø  Topical drugs

Anti viral:

Ø  Classification imp 

Ø  Acyclovir 

Ø  Anti-HIV /antiretroviral (Types + Names+ Prototypes) 

Ø  Abacavir 

Ø  Zidovudine 

Ø  Amantadine 

Ø  Drugs used in hepatitis 

Ø  Interferons (very important)






Ø  Metronidazole (moa+ uses + toxicity-important) 

Ø  Nalidixic acid

Anti protozoal:

Ø  Drugs amebiasis table 

Ø  Antimalarial (1st line + 2nd line + 3rd line+ For resistance+ For travelling all very imp)

Ø  Anthelmintics read only 

Ø  Albendazole

Ø  Mebendazole

Ø  ll Classification Tables are Important.



·         ANS:



Ø  Chapter 6: Cholinergic/Adrenergic Transmission, Cholinoceptors.

Ø  Chapter 7: Tissue and Organ Effects, Table 7-3

Ø  Chapter 8: Pharmacokinetics of Muscuranic Antagonists, its Effects, Contraindications, Cholinesterase Regenerators, Trimethaphan

Ø  Chapter 9: M.O.A, Effects on CNS, Eye, Vascular System and Heart, Table 9-1, Clinical Uses in CVS, bronchi and genitourinary tract.

Ø  Chapter 10: Pharmacokinetics, effects, table 10-2.


·         CVS:


Ø  Chapter 11: Table 11-1, Sympathoplegics, fig 11-1, Angiotensin antagonists and rennin inhibitor, fig 11-3.

Ø  Chapter 12: fig12-1, Nitrates, effects of Calcium channel blocking drugs, table 12-1, newer drugs.

Ø  Chapter 13: fig 13-1, 2, Cardiac effects of cardiac glycosides, digitalis toxicity, phosphodiesterase inhibitors.

Ø  Chapter 14: Torsades de pointes + table 14-1 + group 3 antiarrhythmics,fig + fig 14-4,6.


·         Diuretics:


Ø  Chapter 15: Study Whole chapter.



·         Autacoids:


Ø  Chapter 16: table 16-1 + Histamine receptors and effects + serotonin clinical uses + hyperpyrexic syndromes + ergots alkaloids

Ø  Chapter 18: Prostaglandins: Synthesis + MOA+ Fig 18-1+ Clinical Uses.


·         Respiratory System:

Ø  Chapter 20: Study whole chapter.


·         GIT:

Ø  Chapter 59: PPI, Colloidal bismuth, Drugs promoting GIT motility, Drugs for IBS, Drugs for IBD, Ant diarrheal drugs.


·         CNS:


Ø  Chapter 21: fig 21-1, table21-1.

Ø  Chap 22: Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Pharmacodynamics, Toxicity, Buspirone, Ramelton side effects.

Ø  Chapter 23: Acute and chronic effects of ethanol, tolerance

Ø  Chapter 24: phenytoin, carbamazepine, M.O.A, toxicity, benzodiazepines + lamotrigine+phenytoin+valproic acid from table 24-1

Ø  Chapter 25: Stages of Anesthesia, fig 25-1, minimum alveolar anesthetic conc., effects of inhaled anesthetics, ketamine, and etomidate.

Ø  Chapter 26: Route of Administration, M.O.A, fig26-1, toxicity.

Ø  Chapter 28: levadopa, MAOI, amantadine.

Ø  Chapter 29:M.O.A, toxicity, Lithium

Ø  Chapter 30: TCAs, SSRIs, SNRIs.clinical uses, toxicity of TCAs and SSRI, serotonin syndrome.

Ø  Chapter 31: M.O.A of morphine, acute effects, clinical uses, management of acute pulmonary edema, toxicity, naloxone.


·         BLOOD:

Ø  Chapter 33: IRON

Ø  Chapter 34: heparin, table34-1, warfarin, and aspirin.

Ø  Chapter 35: drugs treatment strategies, familial hypertriglyceridemia, and niacin

Ø  Chapter 36: aspirin uses, moa, toxicity, interactions, Acetaminophen toxicity, DMARDs, leflunomide, allopurinol


·         ENDOCRINE :

Ø  Chapter 37:fig37-1, mecasermine, prolactin, Endogenous gonadotropin Production.

Ø  Chapter 38: synthesis and transport of thyroid hormones, MOA, fig 38-1, table38-1, effects of TH, antithyroid drugs-thiamine.

Ø  Chapter 39: M.O.A, organ and tissue effect, fig 39-1, clinical uses, synthesis inhibitors.

Ø  Chapter 40: Hormonal contraceptives, fig 40-1, 2, clomiphene.

Ø  Chapter 41: Insulin effects, preparation, Noninsulin ant diabetic drugs-Insulin secretagogues, alpha-glucoside inhibitors, exenatide, Type 1&2 Diabetes.


Ø  Chapter 42: Bisphosphonates.

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