Forensic Medicine complete Guide for 3rd Year MBBS


Forensic Medicine Guide By Dr. Yasir Habib

Autopsy & Exhumation


Ø  Information from “Skeleton found” or “Skeletal data”

Ø  Objectives of Autopsy

Ø  Identification from “head” of a suicide Bomber.

Ø  Negative autopsy and its causes.

Ø  Specimens taken in suspected poisoning.

Ø  Autopsy of skeletal remains.

Ø  Principles of specimen collection, preservation and dispatch.


Ø  Late P/M changes? How they help in finding P/M interval?

Ø  Cadaveric Spasm? M/L importance.

Ø  Immediate Signs of Death.

Ø  Brain Death and its M/L importance.




Ø  Indicators of suicidal death by Firearm.

Ø  Incised wound VS Lacerated Wound on the skull

Ø  Ricocheting Phenomenon.

Ø  How to measure distance of Fire.

Ø  Manner of death

Ø  The entry wound VS the exit wound.

Ø  How would you determine the direction of Fire?

Ø  Define
i) Carbonization
ii) Metallization
iii) Magnetization

Ø  Indicators of traumatic suicide?

Ø  Cause appearance in Laceration

Ø  F/A entry wound from 6”.

Sexual Assaults


Ø  Protocol of examination?

Ø  Specimens collected in exam?

Ø  Causes of death in Criminal Abortions? In chronological order.

Ø  Define offense of Zina.

Ø  Role of doctor in Criminal Abortions?

Ø  Duties of doctor in Criminal Abortions?




Ø  Qualified privilege and 3 examples.

Ø  5 conditions of Modifying Consent Procedure.

Ø  Voluntary submission

Ø  Conditions that decrease criminal responsibility

Ø  Classify HURT

Ø  Civil negligence VS Criminal negligence

Ø  Medical negligence and its types

Ø  Conditions of Solid Contract

Ø  Legal duties of Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP)

Ø  Misconduct V Negligence


RTA; Burns; Trace Evidence

Ø  Injuries sustained by the passenger

Ø  Injuries sustained by the driver

Ø  Coup VS counter coup injury

Ø  A/M VS P/M burns

Ø  Dry VS Wet burns

Ø  Definition of Trace Evidence

Ø  Locard’s principle

Ø  How to collect specimen of Saliva

Ø  Autopsy findings in Burns

Ø  Joule’s burn

Asphyxia & Drowning


Ø  Fracture of hyoid bone

Ø  A/M VS P/M drowning

Ø  Nonspecific signs of asphyxia

Ø  Types of Asphyxia

Ø  Types of Suffocation

Ø  Burking Phenomenon

Ø  Traumatic asphyxia

Ø  Hanging and its types

Ø  A/M VS P/M hanging

Ø  Café coronary

Ø  Ligature Mark

Ø  Hanging VS strangulation

Ø  Freshwater VS salt water drowning

Ø  Autopsy findings in drowning

Ø  Diatoms and their importance 


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