Pathology Complete Guide For 3rd Year MBBS



General Pathology

(Book= Medium Robbins)


Chapter 1:

Ø  Cellular Adaptations to Stress

Ø  Cell Injury causes

Ø  Table 1-1

Ø  Table 1-2

Ø  Reversible Injury

Ø  Necrosis (Morphology + Types)

Ø  Mechanisms of Cell Injury

Ø  Examples of Cell Injury & Necrosis

Ø  Apoptosis (Pathways+ Examples)

Ø  Intracellular Accumulations

Ø  Pathologic Calcification

Chapter 2:

Ø  Tables 2-1, 2-3, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-9

Ø  Acute Inflammation (Stimuli + Process)

Ø  Chemical Mediators and Regulators of inflammation

Ø  Figure 2-19

Ø  Chronic Inflammation

Ø  Systemic Effects of Inflammation

Ø  Proliferative Capacities of Tissues

Ø  Growth Factors (Names + functions)

Ø  Collagen

Ø  Functions of ECF

Ø  Scar Formation

Ø  Tissue Repair (Factors names only + Process of repair)

Chapter 3:

Ø  Whole chapter is Important

Ø  Shock is most important (Stages specially)

Chapter 4:


Ø  Study Immunity from Levinson


Chapter 5:

Ø  Characteristics of Benign & Malignant Tumors

Ø  Genetic Lesions in Cancer

Ø  Differentiation and anaplasia

Ø  Governor of cell cycle (RB Gene)

Ø  Guardian of Genome (TP53)

Ø  Figure 5-27

Ø  Xeroderma pigmentosum

Ø  Hallmarks of Cancer

Ø  Carcinogenic Agents (Including Microbial Agents +H.Pylori)

Ø  Tumor Markers

Ø  Clinical Aspects of Neoplasia

Ø  Tables: 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 5-4, 5-5


Chapter 6:


         (Agar Guzara karna hai to Chapter 6 ke just summaries krlen: p) 

Ø  Alterations in Protein-Coding Genes

Ø  X-Linked Disorders

Ø  Marfan syndrome

Ø  Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes

Ø  Cystic Fibrosis

Ø  Down Syndrome

Ø  Deletion Syndrome

Ø  Klinefelter Syndrome

Ø  Turner Syndrome

Ø  Cytogenetic disorders involving autosomes

Ø  Fragile X Syndrome

Ø  Diseases Caused by Mutations in Mitochondrial Genes

Ø  Prader-Willi & Angelman Syndromes

Ø  Table: 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5

Ø  Fig: 6-3, 6-4

Ø  Do chapter 6 if u want distinction or have extra time. 


Chapter 8:

Ø  Study Only for MCQs, otherwise not so important. (better to leave it)


Note: (Also do morphologies of all important topics)


General Microbiology



Basic Bacteriology:

Ø  Chapters 1 Read only

Ø  Chapter 2 (Plasmids+ Table 2-3)

Ø  Chapter 3 (Growth cycle phases)

Ø  Chapter 5,8,10 not important (Leave them)

Ø  Chapter 4 is very important

Ø  Chapter 6 (Table 6-2 is very important)

Ø  Chapter 7: (Study endo/exotoxins + Koch postulates)

Ø  Chapter 9 is important (Sara krna hai)

Ø  Chapter 11 resistance table only

Ø  Chapter 12 name of vaccines + use            

Ø  Chapter 13 is very important. Do it thoroughly.  


Basic Virology:


Ø  Lysogeny + Lytic Cycle + Viral growth curve

Ø  Classification

Ø  RNA-Enveloped/ Non-Enveloped Virus+ RNA virus (Enveloped+ Non enveloped)

Ø  Chapter 29 and Chapter 34

Ø  Cover Following topics/chapters from Virology and read these viruses from summaries (Given at the end of Levinson). Summaries only for these viruses.

*      Herpes simplex type 1, Type 2

*      Varicella zoster virus

*      CMV  

*      EBV

*      Human Herpes Virus

*      HPV  

*      Mumps Virus

*      Measles virus

*      Rubella virus

*      Influenza  

*      Rabies

*      Corona  

*      Para influenza  

*      Polio

*      Hepatitis

*      HIV +Tumor viruses


Basic Mycology:

Ø  Chapter 47 (Pearls)

Ø  Dermatophystoses

Ø  Table 48-1

Ø  Coccidiodes

Ø  Table 49-1

Ø  Candida

Ø  Cryptococcus

Ø  Aspergullus



Clinical Microbiology

(Levinson & Shamim)


Clinical Bacteriology:

Ø  All Important

Ø  Minor Bacterial Pathogens can be done from Summary.


Clinical Virology:

Ø  Hepatitis


Ø  Dengue

Ø  Influenza

Ø  Measles

Ø  Mumps

Ø  Rubella

Ø  Polio

Ø  Dengue

Ø  Corona

Ø  Rabies

Ø  Read summaries of all viruses.


Clinical Mycology:

Ø  Summaries





Important Parasites:

Ø  Entamoeba Histolytica

Ø  Leishmania

Ø  Trypanosoma

Ø  Giardia

Ø  Trichomonas

Ø  Balantidium Coli

Ø  Plasmodium

Ø  Diphylloboththrium latum

Ø  Taenia saginata

Ø  Taenia Solium

Ø  Echinococcus granulosus

Ø  Schistosoms haematobium

Ø  Schistosoma mansoni

Ø  Schistosoma japonicum

Ø  Trichinella spiralis

Ø  Trichuris trichiura

Ø  Loa loa

Ø  Brugia malayi

Ø  Onchocerca volvulus

Ø  Wuchereria bancrofti

Ø  Ascaris Lumbricodes

Ø  Enterobius vermicularis

Ø  Ancyclostoma duodenale

Ø  Dracunculus medinensis


(Pathogenesis + Clinical Features + Lab diagnosis + Lifecycles + egg diagram important of above mentioned parasites)





Study from Levinson.

From Levinson:


Ø  Study all chapters

Ø  Chapters 59, 64, 65 are very important must do these thoroughly.


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