Gross Anatomy of Abdomen and Pelvis Important Topics


Abdomen and Pelvis Gross Anatomy

These are the important questions from abdomen and pelvis gross anatomy that you must study. These topics are selected due to their repetition in UHS final exams.

Better do abdomen & pelvis from Snell Perineum from KLM

1.        Muscles of Anterior Abdominal Wall

2.       Rectus Sheath

3.       Inguinal Canal Boundaries

4.      Inguinal Hernia (Different Types Direct and indirect)

5.       Differences B/W Male and Female Pelvis

6.      Greater and Lesser Omentum Attachments Epiploic Foramen

7.       Relations of Duodenum (All Parts) (Table from KLM) Differences B/W Large and Small Intestine

8.      Differences B/W Jejunum and Ileum

9.      Abdominal Aorta (In Detail, All the Branches),

10.    Relations of All Parts of Pancreas

11.     Relations of Ureter

12.    Relations of Kidneys (Especially Anterior)

13.    Lymphatic Drainage of Abdomen

14.    Boundaries And Contents of Superficial and Deep Perineal Pouches And ischio-Anal Fossa

15.    Pelvic inlet And Outlet Boundaries

16.    Prostatic Part of Male Urethra

17.    Micturition

18.    Supports of Uterus

19.    Zones of Prostate

20.   Blood Supply of Rectum

21.    Differences B/W the Po and Below the Pectin-ate Line (Diagram in KLM)

22.   Internal Iliac Artery Inferior Vena Cava Tributaries Hepatic Portal Vein **

23.   Sites of Portocaval Anastomosis Bare Areas of Liver


1.        Inguinal Hernia (In Detail, Differences B/W Direct and Indirect)

2.       Cryptorchidism

3.       Varicocele **

4.      Hydrocele

5.       Policeman of Abdomen Hepato-Renal Pouch Calat's Triangle Barrett's Esophagus Me Burney's Point (Appendicitis)

6.      Portal Hypertension Spleenectomy

7.     Caput Medusae

8.      Horse Shoe Kidney

9.      Thrombosis in Inferior Vena Cava and Other Routes Taken Blood Supply

10.    Ileal Diverticulum + Meckel's Diverticulum

11.     Grid Iron Incision

12.    Hemorrhoids

13.    Ischioanal Abscess

14.    BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)

15.    Ca Prostate Prostectomy

16.    Ovarian Cysts


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