How To Cover Anatomy of 1styear MBBS?

In this post i will guide you how to cover Anatomy for 1st year MBBS.... Lets have a look

You have 4 Further divisions in anatomy which are 

  1. Gross anatomy
  2. Embryology
  3. Histology 
  4. General Anatomy

1. Gross anatomy:

For gross anatomy you should focus on your lectures. 2nd option for covering portion of gross anatomy is to watch lecture videos+ dissection videos (which are usually available online free of cost). After watching dissection videos of gross anatomy read that topic from your textbook (whichever book you use in your college; although KLM is my favorite one). After this you should discuss this with your group or just revise it yourself e.g try to remember it on your arm etc. Gross anatomy is major portion in annual exams so try to give it a full time.

2. Embryology:

After gross anatomy your second focus should be on embryology as it covers the most Mcq's just after gross anatomy. For embryology first of all watch embryology lecture videos then read that topic from your text book (Langman is my favorite for 1st year MBBS embryology). Those topic which are repeated in annual exams study their every minor details and study gestation weeks keenly as these are tricky and mcqs from such topics can trick you very easily. For review purpose you can use sharjeel embryology which you can revise only in few hours right before exams. 

3. Histology:

From histology portion most often there is a diagram which you have to draw in annual exams and sometimes along-with diagram there a short SEQ mostly about to differentiate two structures or identification points of any slide from 1st year MBBS. Histology should be on your 3rd preference. Study from your notebook plus use histology by Laiq hussain. For review purpose you can use Sharjeel histology or BRS Histology.

4. General Anatomy:

General anatomy have the least marks in annual examination of 1st year MBBS. one week is more than enough to prepare whole general anatomy. Your focus should be on chapters of  
  • Introduction
  • Soft tissues 
  • Bones and joints 
For general anatomy Laiq hussain is a best book.

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