6 Basic Protective Measures Against the New corona virus (COVID-19)

6 Basic protective measures against the new corona virus (COVID-19)

6 Basic protective measures against the new corona virus (COVID-19):

Stay aware of the real situation about COVID-19 outbreak which is spreading all around the world including Europe and USA, available on the WHO website (Don’t rely on Chinese Govt. Media etc) and through your national and local public health authority. COVID-19 is still active and is affecting mostly people in China with some outbreaks in other countries including Italy, Iran and South Korea. Most people who become infected with COVID-19 develop mild illness and recover, but it can be very severe for others. Take care of your health and your beloved ones by doing the following preventive measures:

1.   Wash your hands frequently with soap and water:

Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Never skip it.
Because washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol based hand wash kills the viruses that may be on your hands from somewhere.

2.   Maintain proper distance from other People:

You should always maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance from those people who are coughing or sneezing.
Because COVID-19 can be transferred to you from their nose or mouth when the cough or sneeze by droplets. If you will be close and you breathe in those droplets you can get Corona virus if that coughing person has the disease. That’s why proper social distance is necessary so that you may not get corona virus from anyone in your surroundings that may have been infected.

3.   Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands:

Because we touch many surface s with our hands that can be infected with corona virus and if we touch those hands to our eyes, nose and mouth, corona virus can easily be transferred to our body as these have no protective membranes, In this way, our whole body will be contaminated.  

4.   Practice personal respiratory hygiene in daily life:

Always make to practice personal hygiene that means make sure you and people around you should always use face masks, during sneeze bent and keep your hand or bent elbow on your face or a tissue and dispose that tissue immediately. So that others should also be safe from you. Corona virus most common way of transfer is through droplet infection from coughing and sneezing. And droplets are always excreted when anyone coughs or sneeze. By following this you can also protect people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19

5.   If you have fever, cough and breathing problem, seek medical care urgently:

Stay at your homes if you’re feeling unwell, doesn’t go out as you can also infect other people if you are infected with corona virus. Contact with your local health authorities to aware them about your situation and get proper guidelines regarding your present health situation and what to do next.
Because National and local health care authorities have the most up to date information regarding corona virus spread and management. If you call them before leaving for a hospital, they will be more helpful in guiding you to proper health care facility and it will also help in prevention of corona virus and infections.

6.   Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider:

Keep yourself updated about the recent developments about corona virus from authentic sources e.g. WHO and your national health authorities. Follow guidelines provided by WHO, National and local health care providers on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
Because national ad local health providers will have the latest information about the spread of corona virus in a specific region. So everyone should listen and act on guidelines provided by National and local healthcare providers (Hospitals etc.). Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19.

3 Protection Measures for Persons Who are in or have recently visited (Past 14 days) areas where CRONA VIRUS (COVID-19) is Spreading:

Ø  Follow the guidance mentioned in above article.
Ø  Stay at your homes and don’t go outside unless you must need to. Keep a distance of about 3 meters from other people if you need to go outside and also wear a mask for COVID-19 to keep yourself and others safe. Because Corona virus is transferred by droplet method. Specifically stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing
Ø  If you are feeling fever, cough and difficulty in breathing contact your local health care provider or national healthy agency about your situation, they can guide you in a best way about further process and its management.

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