50 most important questions of Embryology for 1st year MBBS:

Here are the important questions of Embryology of 1st year MBBS:

1. Explain oogenesis and enumerate its two objectives.

2. a). Define and classify chromosomal aberrations b). Write any 5 phenotypic characters of Down‘s Syndrome

3. Define embryo, induction, mosaicism, adolescence and translocation of chromosomes.

4: Write steps and results of embryonic folding.

5: Briefly explain the steps of fertilization. Enumerate its results.

6: Write the formation and fate of chorionic sac.

7: a). Draw and label diagram of 5 week old embryo showing it external features.

    b). Name fetal membranes. Write the formation, function and fate of secondary yolk Sac.

8: How are homozygous twins formed? Mention their respective fetal membranes

     and type of Placenta. What are conjoined twins? 

9: Write the cause and features of fetal alcohol syndrome.

10: Enumerate five sub stages of prophase of meiosis-1.

      Describe the dictyotate pause in oocytes. Give its clinical significance.

11: Define spermatogenesis. Mention four sites of maturation of sperms. What are capacitations?

12: Draw and label an embryo as a flat trilaminar germ disc?

13: Briefly describe the following: a) Chorionic villous sampling. b) Significance of meiosis

14: Briefly discuss the steps and outcome of fertilization.

15: Draw & label the structure of mature ovarian follicle’ explain the mechanism of ovulation.

16: Name the types of twins; mention their four differences in a tabulated from. How is the twin pregnancy produced?

17: Derivatives of germ layers

18: Note on: Zona pellucida.

19. Decidua.

20. Explain oogenesis and enumerate its two objectives.

21. Define and classify chromosomal aberrations

      a) Placenta praevia


22. Write any 5 phenotypic characters of Down ‘s Syndrome b) Tubal pregnancy

23. Define embryo, induction, mosaicism, adolescence and translocation of chromosomes.

24: Write short notes on the following

       a) Amniogenesis       b) Neural tube defects (NTDs) and its relation

25: Write steps and results of embryonic folding. 

26: Briefly explain the steps of fertilization. Enumerate its results. 

27: Write the formation and fate of chorionic sac. 

28: Draw and label diagram of 5 week old embryo showing it external features. 

29: Write notes on:

       a). Name fetal membranes. Write the formation, function and fate of secondary yolk Sac.                         b) Spermiogenesis 

30: How are homozygous twins formed? 

31. What are conjoined twins? 

32: Write the cause and features of fetal alcohol syndrome. Describe @neuploidy,

33: Enumerate five sub stages of prophase of meiosis-1

34. Describe the dictyotate pausc in oocytes. Give its clinical significance: 

35: Define spermatogenesis. Mention four sites of maturation of sperms. What is capacitations? 

36: Draw and label an embryo as a flat trilaminar germ disc? 

37: Describe the most viable condition of monosomy.

38: Describe stages of uterine endometrium during menstrual cycle.

39: Enumerate the outcome of fertilization.

40: Classify the chromosomal anomalies in the simplest form.

41. Significance of meiosis and describe the most common numerical error of chromosomes.

42: Briefly discuss the steps and outcome of fertilization.

43: Write short notes on the following.

44: Draw & label the structure of mature ovarian follicle’ explain the mechanism of ovulation. Fate of notochord

45: Name the types of twins; mention their four differences in a tabulated from. How is the twin pregnancy produced? 

46: Define monozygotic twining. How is it produced? Enumerate the developmental problems which may arise during this condition?

47: Define dizygotic twining. How is it produced? Enumerate the developmental problems which may arise during this condition. ?

48: Define twining. how is it produced? Enumerate the complications which may arise during twining.?

49. Describe the process of gastrulation. 

50. Why third week of embryogenesis is usually called as the “week of threes”? Describe such four developmental events J

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