50 important questions of Gross Anatomy for 1st year MBBS:

1. Write the names of the muscles which extend the knee joint very powerfully and collectively.

Give their origin. insertion and nerve supply of this muscle. 

2. Describe briefly the course of sciatic nerve after its exit from the pelvis to its end in the thigh.What is sciatica? 

3.Which important canal is in close relation to subsartorial plexus of nerves and what are the contents of this canal? 

4. Name the gluteal muscles. Give their actions and nerve supply. 

5. Describe the arches of foot. Name the factors responsible for the maintenance of these arches. 

6. How is femoral sheath formed? What are its compartments? Write its significance. 

7. a). Define femoral canal, femoral ring, and femoral hernia. 

    b). Why is femoral hernia more common in females? 

8. Write the origin, course and distribution of saphenous nerve. 

9: Write the boundaries and the contents of popliteal fossa. 

10. Mention the attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscle largely responsible for the prominence of buttocks Which site is safe for the intramuscular injection in

this region? 

11.  a). List six structures passing underneath the superior extensor retinaculum at lower region of leg. 

      b). describe the anatomy of popliteus muscle. 

12: Draw and label the cutaneous nerve supply of lower limb.

13: How greater and lesser sciatic foramina formed and enlist the structures passing through them? 

14  a). What is femoral triangle? Give its boundaries and contents. 

      b). Briefly describe the anatomy of obturator nerve.

15. Describe the origin, course, termination and branches of femoral nerve. 

16. Write short notes on:  ;

a). Anterior Compartment of the Leg Syndrome. 

b). Use of the Great Saphenous Vein in Coronary Bypass Surgery. 

17: give blood supply of head of femur. Why fracture of the neck of femur endangers the blood supply of head of femur? 

18: what do you know about?

  a). Venous Pump of the Lower Limb. 

  b). Varicose Veins 

19: Describe the arterial anastomosis around knee joint. What is locking and unlocking of knee joint. 

20: Draw and label lumbosaccral plexus of nerves. What is sciatica? 

21. Name the contents of a typical intercostal space. What is the venous drainage of intercostalspaces? .

22. Give the origin and course of internal thoracic artery. Name its branches. What is the clinical 

importance of this artery? 

23.Explain the azygous system of veins; mention the alternate route followed by venous blood for drainage into the heart due to obstruction in superior vena cava and obstruction in inferior vena cava.

24. Describe the openings in diaphragm. What are the main functions of diaphragm?

25. a). Give nerve supply of pleura. 

     b). what do you understand by bronchopulmonary segments?

26. Draw and label the bronchopulmonary segments of both the lungs. What is their significance?

27. Write about the pericardium and give its nerve supplies. What is cardiac temponade? 

28. a). Give the internal features of right atrium. 

          b). name the openings (inlets and outlets) of right atrium.

29. Describe the origin, course, branches and distribution of left coronary artery.

30. Give nerve supply of lungs and heart

31. Describe the course and relations of thoracic duct. 

32. a). what do you understand by thoracic outlet syndrome? 

      b). what do understand by coarctation of aorta?

33. Briefly describe the anatomy of thoracic part of the sympathetic chain.

34. What is pleural effusion? What is thoracic paracentesis? Name the structures penetrated by a needle when it passes skin surface to pleural cavity during paracentesis. 

35. What are the constrictions of esophagus? What is their clinical significance? 

36. Draw and label brachial plexus -Describes the movement at radio ulnar joints. 

37. Describe lymphatic drainage of upper limb Names the muscles that produce these movements .

38. Give origin & insertion & nerve supply & action of pectoralis major & minor -Describe the facial compartments of palm (palmer aponeurosis)

39. Describe the lymphatic drainage of breast -Describe briefly about the: Lumbricals.& interossei.

40. What are rotatory cuff muscles give their origin & insertion & nerve supply & action .Give origin & course of radial & ulnar artery in the hand

41. Enumerate the part of axillary artery & give its branches .Give origin & course of median & ulnar nerve in hand

42. Give the tributaries of axillary vein .Describe ligament and movement around shoulder joint.

43. Give origin & insertion & nerve supply & action of shoulder intrinsic muscles _-» describe hand as a functional unit

44. Draw and label anastomosis around the scapula and elbow joint.

45. Give nerve supply & action of muscles of the hand.  

46. Enumerate the branches of brachial artery and write a note on Anatomical snuff box.

47. Write down the origin & course & distribution of radial nerve in arm & fore arm & hand.

48. Mention the boundaries & content of cubital fossa. 

49. Describe briefly about the ligaments & movements & bursae around the elbow joint Palmer & thenar & pulp to pulp space.

50. Draw and label the flexor retinaculum and show structure passing through it .

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