Table of Specification (TO's) For 4th Year MBBS

If you are for table of specification (TO's) for 4th Year MBBS, then congratulation your are at right place. TO's are important as these are designed by  University of health sciences officials as a road map to upcoming annual examination. Every 4th Year MBBS student must follow these TO's to prepare for upcoming annual examination for university of health sciences, Lahore.This post includes table of specification for Eye, ENT and Pathology
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Table of Specification (TO's) For Pathology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Pathology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Pathology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Ophthalmology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Ophthalmology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Ophthalmology

Table of Specification (TO's) For Otorhinolaryngology (E.N.T)

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