Table of specification (TO's) for 2nd year MBBS

Every year university of health sciences,Lahore issues a specific pattern for the annual examinations of every class so that students can focus on the topics specified and be prepared for the exams which is known as table of specification. For most part of the paper UHS follows that specific pattern of prescribed syllabus and marks distribution. Following is the table of specification (TO's) for 2nd year MBBS for year 2020-2021 which includes Anatomy (Including embryology and histology), Biochemistry and Physiology. 2nd year MBBS students should focus first on those topics that have more marks and then on topics that carry less marks. As 2nd year MBBS is lengthy that's why table of specification for 2ndyear MBBS carries much importance for preparation annual examination. Its just simple following table of specification for 2ndyear MBBS students can also divide whole syllabus of 2ndyear MBBS in two parts, one which carry more marks and the second that carry less marks.
Here is the table of specification(TO's) for 2ndyear MBBS.
(Click on an image to enlarge it).

Table of specification (TO's) for Anatomy, 2ndyear MBBS

Table of specification (TO's) for Biochemistry, 2ndyear MBBS

Table of specification (TO's) for Physiology, 2ndyear MBBS

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