Unlike other exams are related to medical fields, the USMLE thoroughly measures how accurately you can apply your skills, values, and attitudes to real life, patient-focused scenarios. It is not only a valuable practice for you as a future physician; but it also shows licensing authorities how you will behave on the job, both on and off the table. Now put on those mental scrubs and show them what you’re made of.
The USMLE Step 1 is a one-day computer exam taken by most medical students at the end of their second year or 1st professional part 2 of their medical school. It is also taken by a large number of international medical graduates (IMGs) who wish to practice medicine in the United States. The Step 1 includes no more than 280 multiple-choice questions and spans 8 hours of testing, broken down into seven 1-hour blocks of 40 questions each.
The USMLE Step1 comprises of basic science subjects, specifically anatomy, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. Interdisciplinary areas e.g genetics, immunology, and nutrition are also tested.
The test is administered by appointment on a year-round basis. When planning your USMLE prep, factor in 6 to 9 months for Step 1 review.


The USMLE Step 2 CK is a multiple-choice exam just like step 1 but having different syllabus, designed to determine whether the examinee possesses the medical knowledge and understanding of clinical science considered essential for the provision of patient care. The Step 2 CK includes approximately 318 questions and  time duration of 9 hours of testing, divided into eight 1-hour blocks of about 40 questions each.
The USMLE Step 2 CK will consist of two multiple-choice formats: 
  1. Single Best Answer 
  2. Single Answer Matching 
The exam may also contain patient-centered vignettes with a series of associated questions. Topics are presented randomly. For example, there is no unique pediatrics section. You'll face the challenge of having to switch from one topic to another without skipping a beat.
The test is administered by appointment on a year-round basis. When planning your USMLE review, factor in 4 to 6 months for Step 2CK prep.
The communication skills, component of the exam are evaluated through the following areas:
  • Fostering the relationship
  • Gathering information
  • Information provision
  • Making decisions
  • Supporting emotions
  • Enabling patient behaviors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
In this section of USMLE step, more advanced functions will be incorporated. Applying this model will alter how standardized patients (SPs) are trained as well as broaden the range of attitudes on which candidates will be evaluated. This evaluation process eliminates the history checklist formerly used by SPs to evaluate whether certain examinee behaviors occurred. SPs are now trained on a particular personality profile, thus allowing them to respond in a more natural manner to candidates questions. The NBME's decision to refine the CS examination was based on the ever-increasing awareness of the importance of communication skills and changes in the nature of the doctor-patient relationship.

The USMLE Step 3:

The USMLE step 3 is a 2-day computerized examination with 500 multiple-choice questions, as well as computer-based case illustrations (CCS) which assess your ability to evaluate history and physical exam information, order diagnostic tests, select initial therapies, and manage the patient.
The USMLE Step 3 mainly focuses on patient management (45-55% of questions). Other topics include history and physical; lab and diagnostic studies; diagnosis; prognosis; and pathophysiology—each section containing about 8-12% of the exam questions. In addition, each question falls into one of three clinical encounter frames: initial workup; continued care; and emergency care.
The test is administered by appointment on a year-round basis.

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